What’s the Best Scooter for A Teenager? Top Seven Revealed

image source: Pexels

While scooters usually come to the connotation of a child’s toy, in recent years the modified riding devices have made a comeback as a viable transportation solution. This resurgence is thanks to public transportation efforts of companies like Bird, Skip and Scoot, which provide rentable electric scooters in major urban centers and cities. As such, bikes can be a great option for teenagers who cannot afford an expensive new car for their transportation needs.

However, if you want to buy a scooter for your teenager, then you want to make sure you buy the right kind. It is easy to make a mistake and accidentally order a scooter intended for children. So how do you avoid this mistake? What is the best scooter for a teenager? Luckily, you came to the right place. In this article, we rank the nine most popular scooters that market themselves toward teenagers. But before we learn what they are, let us first take a look at how we rank the scooters included on this list. 

How We Decide Which Scooter Works Best For a Teenager

image source: Pexels

We select the best scooter for a teenager by looking at three specific areas for each product listed. Specifically, we look at the quality, performance and overall price. For each of these areas, we ask a series of questions that help us determine the strengths and weaknesses associated with each product. We then assign each product a score out of five stars and listen to them in descending order from best to worst. Here are some of the questions we ask to determine the score for each brand.

  • Quality — What is the material does the company use when making it? How portable is the scooter? Can the scooter take a beating, or is it too fragile?
  • Performance — How does the scooter ride? Can you navigate through urban or crowded areas easily? Does it fit the needs of a teenager?
  • Overall price — How much does the scooter cost? How does the company justify this price? Is the scooter a good value? 

Top Seven Best Scooters for Teenagers

Keep in mind that we include both manual and electronic scooters on this list. However, we do not rank one above the other strictly because it is electronic. As you will see even the most popular electronic scooter comes with some severe problems that you should know about before buying. If you are not sure whether you want an electric scooter or a regular one, then consult the buyer’s guide at the bottom of the list.

1) Razor A5 Lux Scooter

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The Razor A5 Lux Scooter remains at the top of our list because it is a brand name everyone recognizes and it works well — plain and simple. It also comes at a price that does not break the bank. One scooter costs seventy-nine dollars. The product weighs around nine pounds and can collapse when you finish using it. This feature makes the Razor incredibly portable. The main complaint associated with the product is the lack of quality in the included equipment. 

Some people had the folding mechanism snap on them during use. However, one of the significant added benefits of the product is it that you can easily upgrade or modify the scooter if you desire. No need to improve to a nice scooter when this one goes wrong — replace the parts and make the A5 Lux even better. Plus, only a few users complained about the quality of the product — most users thought that the device worked just fine. As such, we name it the best scooter for a teenager. 

2) Goplus Folding Kick Scooter for Teen

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Like the Razer, the Goplus Folding Kick Scooter for Teen comes with foldable technology and a kickstand. However, for added portability, the Goplus features an attached strap for hauling around the scooter when it is in a collapsible folding position. The aluminum brakes allow for a right amount of control when stopping and starting for traffic. 

At nine in half pounds, the product weighs a little more than the Razer, but it also comes with a price drop. One scooter costs sixty-three dollars. If you want the most affordable option on this list, but still want to retain some sense of quality for your teen, then we recommend the Goplus Folding Kick Scooter for Teen. We think this product would work for a teen who is not picky about the specific brand of scooter they received or bought. 

3) Hikole Scooter for Adult Teens Adjustable Foldable

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While the Hikole Scooter for Adult Teens Adjustable Foldable does cost ten dollars more than the Razor A5 Lux Scooter, many customers report that it features a much smoother ride than its competitor. This superiority is likely thanks to the aluminum fender included on the device. These fenders also make driving the scooter in wet weather much more doable. When roads get wet, the scooter makes sure that water from puddles does not splash up all over you while driving. 

The product can fold, but at twelve pounds it remains a little on the heavy side when compared to other product on the list. However, this added weight means it can support individuals who weigh up to two hundred and twenty pounds. The main problem seems to be with the shipping of the product. Many customers reported that their boxes came damaged, and sometimes parts of the exposed scooter did not work. 

4) Razor E300S Seated Electric Scooter

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If you were waiting for an electric scooter for your teen, then we do not think you can go wrong with the Razor E300S Seated Electric Scooter. The scooter with the included rechargeable electric engine costs a lot more than a traditional push scooter. One Razor E300S Seated Electric Scooter costs three hundred and seven dollars. 

The motor itself can travel up to fifteen miles per hour, and ten-inch tires help keep the fast-moving device stable during use. Unlike other electric scooters, Razer’s model comes with a seat, which makes transportation a little easier. 

However, it also makes taking off on the device a little more challenging. The product even weights quite a bit — around fifty-two pounds, so you should not expect to carry the item very far. The biggest problem associated with this product is the fact that the batteries do not work well. While this issue is right, it is not that big of a deal. All cells go eventually, and Razer’s scooter is no different. Luckily, replacements only cost around twenty dollars. 

5) Fast 88 Kids/Adult Scooter with 3 Seconds Easy-Folding System

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For the ninety dollar price range, the oversized two hundred millimeter wheels included with this product are not a bad deal. However, some customers had some issues with the wheels coming misaligned during repeated use. Customer support does not seem to be Fast 88’s robust suite, since every customer that tried it seem to encounter an issue of some sort. As such, we would recommend caution before buying it. Otherwise, you may get a dud product. 

6) Swagtron City Commuter Electric Scooter

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Though the Swagtron City Commuter Electric Scooter offers some fresh ideas, it has some trouble carrying them out in practice. We will say that the electric scooter combines the motor aspect with portability very well. It is one of the few electric models that can also fold when not in use. You can also connect the scooter with your smartphone via an app. 

One the app you can track the scooter, check your MPH and operate your headlights. Unfortunately for all the tech included on the City Commuter Electric Scooter, it also comes with some serious issues — namely tires that blow out way too quickly. Considering the three hundred and fifty dollar price range, it feels like the product should work much better than it does. 

7) VIRO Rides VR 550E Rechargeable Electric Scooter-Ride

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Unfortunately, we cannot recommend buying VIRO Rides VR 550E Rechargeable Electric Scooter-Ride to anyone. Almost half of the complaints associated with the product involve the scooter arriving broke. Most of the time the issue included a defective battery, but any number of quality control issue arise from the product. Considering the one hundred and forty dollar price range, this lack of value is crazy. As such, we strongly discourage anyone from purchasing it for a teenager. 

Scooter Buyer Guide

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If you never purchased a scooter before, then this buyer’s guide should help you identify some of the critical things you should look for when searching for purchase — specifically, some of the technical aspects associated with each scooter. While the specifics of these details might seem like extraneous details, they are essential for specific riding styles. 


The first concern you must deal with is whether to go with electric or manual. Generally, we believe electrics scooter are more trouble than they are worth. They cost quite a lot more than traditional scooters and also require quite a bit to maintain correctly. As such, we recommend sticking with the cheaper push models.

Wheel Size

What is the difference between large wheels and small wheels? Simply put, larger wheels provide a little more speed and control than their short counterparts. Generally, large wheels are anything between the sizes one hundred and eighty and two hundred and thirty millimeters. Small wheels range between one hundred and one hundred forty-five millimeters. If you plan on tackling quite a few steep hills, then you should consider getting larger wheels which will reduce vibrations while you ride. 

Scooter Deck Size

There are both advantages and disadvantages to owning a scooter with a larger deck size. The most significant problem is that the scooter becomes less portable. It also makes the process of gaining speed a little more difficult. However, larger decks also allow you more positioning for shifting your weight during movement. They can also improve stability all together — especially when you go down large hills. Anyone living in a city like San Francisco with large hills should look for a large deck.   

Folding Mechanism

Many scooters come with a feature that allows a lock pin system to open up and fold the scooter in on itself. If you use your scooter for transporting yourself to work every day, then you will want a folding mechanism. The feature will allow you to take your vehicle with you into the office, so you do not need to worry about someone stealing it during the day. 


While handbrakes might seem like a distinct addition to scooters, including them is more complicated than you would think. Most scooters simple use a push brake system instead of the handbrake model. Handbrakes add a lot of weight the vehicle and offer a shorter reaction time than push brakes. As such, we usually do not recommend getting them unless they come included with the model of scooter you wanted anyway.

We hope this article helped you find the best scooter for a teenager. Shopping for your teen is never an easy task — mainly because they grow out of things so quickly. Luckily, a good scooter is something any teen can enjoy throughout their adolescent. As such, they make great secure transportation devices for urban centers, colleges and universities, and small towns. But still, you need to make sure you do not buy your teenager a dud of a product. Otherwise, they will never enjoy it. Good luck shopping!

Melissa Gibson

Melissa has been a technology writer for the last five years. She lives in New York City and during her vacation, you will find her riding scooters, reading books and hiking mountains.

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